Monday, 17 March 2014

Last Week in Review #1

Good Evening Lovelies,
I am very sorry for lack of activity on here, I've been held up with dramas on Stardoll and in real life.
I am sure Fear is sorry too, the last time I chatted to her she was doing assignments. This is also the debut
post of my new segment 'Last Week in Review'. It will just basically review the last week on Stardoll. Oh, 
I've also started writing on a new Blog 'Stardoll's Ariana Grande'. It is run by my dear friend on Stardoll,

Last Week in Review #1
Well, this week we've had many new shop releases including; PPQ, RIO and Kitsch.
It has also been officially been announced that Stardoll is getting a new layout, theres going to major changes on Stardoll. I seriously hope they make a 'Safe Trading' system or something, like Stardoll's star bazaar system is crap. We can't sell Interiors, make up and we can't look up Hats in SB Fashion. There's also been major issues revolving around the famous Arki. . She has been bullied, big time, on Stardoll. I'm not a big fan of hers, but bullying is the wrong way to deal with it. Theres also this jerk who's making ridiculous accounts specifically made to hate on her. Now she's gone to a new level, hating on people who stand up for justice. My friend lovelifegirl has been listed in her presentation listed as 'Slore'. like wtf is a slore anyway. I asked her to stop bullying and she's like "I'm not, I'm sorry MOTHER DEAR". No one calls me Mother Dear or makes fun of my age. She's also been making fun of Marilyn, like seriously how did MM get into her big headed life. So, any who, be looking forward to the new update on Stardoll. Oh! And what do you think of our new blog layout?

Looking for writer's for my blog 'Old Hollywood on Stardoll'

With Love, Amber

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