Sunday, 2 March 2014

News: 2/3/14

 Good Evening,
So today was quite a big day for me! 
All day I have been storing photos for the blog,  Doing some 'Marilyn Moment' 's post's in advanced and creating some new segments. Obviously I have created a new one called 'News' which will be written by both Fear and I. Creating and owning a blog isn't as easy as it seems, feel if you want a good one, you need to have ideas written down and photos stored and much more! For most of today I was getting photos of my Stardoll Account and Storing them on a new Hard drive I bought specifically for the blog. So, As many of you may know my all - time favourite television series is 'The Judy Garland Show' (TJGS). TJGS lasted from 1963 - 1964, it only had one series. So, today I was getting some photos of the Show for an upcoming post and I saw, in the news section, some news about The Judy Garland Show. Naturally I clicked on, since The Show isn't much of a 'craze' these days you don't see many articles about it. So apparently Sycamore Entertainment Group have bought the rights to the series and are going to, for the second time in history, air it on television once again. They  are also going to be selling episodes individually on Android and Apple Devices. I also think they are going to release the Show on DVD, but I still need a reply from the information department. I am so excited ;D

I have created some new segments (listed below):

  • News
  • Outstanding Suites
  • Doll of the Week
This segment will be published whenever needed to. It will feature Stardoll, Celebreity or Personal News.
Writers: Lucy and Fear

~Outstanding Suites~
This Segment will feature suites that have been created by talented dollies! It will be published three times a week.
Writers: Fear - Not yet confirmed

~Doll of The Week~
This Segment will feature the most amazing doll that I have seen the previous week.
Writers: Lucy

With Love, Lucy

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